Section Career Coaching Staff | REGISTRAR OFFICE
» Section Career Coaching Staff

Section Career Coaching Staff

Introduction Section Career Coaching Staff

Section Guidance and Career Staff provide professional counseling services are covered by the ethics of confidentiality to all staff of the Universiti Putra Malaysia for free. There are three (3) people psychologically officer registered under the Malaysian Board of Counsellors UPM staff particularly helpful. Various types of services are offered including:

a. Iindividual Counseling;

b. Group Counseling;

c. Motivational Programme; and

d. Administration of Psychological Testing Profiles

Purpose Caunseling

1. Provide information

Client problems often related to lack of information

2. Provide insight

Help clients understand more about yourself (immersing themselves and
the environment)

Help clients identify herself is the key to the problem

3. Support

Clients need emotional support is not unequivocal, warmth and sense of
fair expected to reduce the burden of the problem

4. Conflict resolution

Reduce tension and hostility between the two individuals (parties)

Help them to accept the differences and find ways to reach solutions

5. Making the decision

Help clients make a decision as there are clients who often face problem to
make a decision

Psychology Officer may discuss with the client before a decision is taken
by the client

Confidentiality Ethics

Counseling services are based Counseling Practice Standards (Standards of Practice) and maintain a code of ethics. For clients who voluntarily attend counseling sessions every information in confidentiality guaranteed. No client information will be communicated to any person except after obtaining the consent and approval of the client for the benefit of their own clients. For reference client was psychologically officials responsible for public reporting to referring the case officer.

Section Activities

1. Monthly Motivation Program

Is a form of prevention programs which talks & Career Guidance Section Staff organized a half-day each month aims to inject passion stay motivated staff to carry out work while improving productivity respectively.

2. Campus Tour

Guidance Section Kaerjaya RC program staff offer counseling using psychology tools.PTJ interested can contact the program section is by invitation PTJ with the requested special topics as necessary and appropriate Cost Center

3. Group counseling

2-10 person group communication in a session to share the issues in cluster development towards life.

4. Individual counseling

Relationship between counselor and client help to help clients achieve insight and help develop itself

5. Corporate Massage

Corporate sequence was introduced by Section Guidance and Career Staff, Office of the Registrar in 2009. Corporate sequence is a sequence terapuitik in about 15-20 minutes. Massage focuses bruised sequence in which they increase blood circulation, stimulate muscles and alleviate stress in the workplace. Massage can also relieve neck, shoulder and arm muscles are often tense when continuous use before computers or other equipment. Make an appointment with a psychologist officer of the Registrar.

6. Human Development Program

Is a program for new staff UPM to introduce sections and services offered to staff.

7. Inventory of Psychological Profile

Psychological tests to identify themselves as Sidek Personality Inventory test, Sidek Career Interest Inventory, Inventory Love Style Test, DASS (stress) and others.

Our psychological Officer can be contacted at any time during office hours.

Career Guidance Section Staff
UPM Registrar's Office

Email: (03-8947 1554) (03-8947 1547) (03-8947 1434)

Updated:: 28/02/2014 [edot]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan